Reading images ============== `SPL3SMP `_ ------------------------------------------ After downloading the data you will have a path with subpaths of the format ``YYYY.MM.DD``. Let's call this path ``root_path``. To read 'soil_moisture' data for the descending overpass of a certain date use the following code: .. code-block:: python from smap_io import SPL3SMP_Ds from datetime import datetime import os root_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', 'SPL3SMP') ds = SPL3SMP_Ds(root_path, overpass=None, var_overpass_str=False) image =, 4, 1)) assert list( == ['soil_moisture'] assert['soil_moisture'].shape == (406, 964) The returned image is of the type `pygeobase.Image `_. Which is only a small wrapper around a dictionary of numpy arrays. If you only have a single image you can also read the data directly .. code-block:: python from smap_io import SPL3SMP_Img import os fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_data', 'SPL3SMP', '2015.04.01', 'SMAP_L3_SM_P_20150401_R13080_001.h5') ds = SPL3SMP_Img(fname, overpass=None, var_overpass_str=False) image = assert list( == ['soil_moisture'] assert['soil_moisture'].shape == (406, 964)