Downloading products

SMAP products can be downloaded via HTTPS. You have to register an account with NASA’s Earthdata portal:

After that you can use the command line program smap_download and your username and password to download data between 2 dates.

In order for the download to work, the program line command “wget” must be installed. On Linux this is usually the case. You test this by running.

$ wget -V

On Windows, running “wget -V” in the command line will usually return an error like this

C:\Users>wget -V
'wget' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

In that case you need to install wget first. There are many tutorials available online. e.g. :

In short, you need to downloaded “wget.exe” into a location where Windows command line can find it (specified in your “PATH” environment variable; on Windows command simply run ‘path’ to show all included directories). You can also add another directory to your Windows PATH as described for example here. Then the command wget -V should also work on windows (the download module of smap_io will use this function).

To test it you can run the following example. This would download all available h5 files of the latest SMAP SPL3SMP data into the folder ~/workspace/smap_data. For more options on other available parameters run smap_download --help.

mkdir ~/workspace/smap_data
smap_download ~/workspace/smap_data  --username *name* --password *password*